Food as Medicine: The Hottest Take on Toast

Food as Medicine: The Hottest Take on Toast

Media is flooded with the ever entertaining “What’s Hot/What’s Not” lists. This recipe reminds me of them. Though I am a HUGE fan of avocados, when it comes to ‘purposeful, tool-providing’ meals this CARE Liver & Immune Support Pesto Toast is HOT and Avocado Toast is “still good but NOT as much going on than this toast”… truly, DO still eat avocados, even add a slice to this toast if you need more fat servings, just upgrade and prioritize the pesto! ;)

CARE Snack: Vegan Coconut Berry Popsicles (3 per snack serving!)

CARE Snack: Vegan Coconut Berry Popsicles (3 per snack serving!)

It’s summer. It’s hot. Anything cold sounds great. Anything sweet and cold sounds even better! So how about making popsicles that are loaded with antioxidants and fiber (and greens!), balanced to keep you satiated, and encourages you to eat more than one! Perfect for a long day in the yard or movie night instead instead of mindlessly snacking on candy! (This recipes is a simple take on the CARE Coconut Berry Smoothie.)

CARE Snack: Fresh Peaches and Pistachios

CARE Snack: Fresh Peaches and Pistachios

So simple, yet so perfect. Savor this snack in a place that allows you to see, feel, and smell summer. Pistachios are high in lutein needed for eye health (it’s what gives them their green color). Lutein is important when we are exposed to higher rates of oxidation in eye cells from exposure to the sun. Peaches are rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene (the orange coloring) and pectin, a prebiotic fiber (food for our good gut bacteria). So simple, yet so perfect.

CARE Recipe: Strawberry Basil Salad

CARE Recipe: Strawberry Basil Salad

Fruit and herbs together are some kind of heaven. Think of tomatoes and basil, the classic combination for a caprese salad. When in season, the sweet, herbal basil brings forth the slightly acidic taste of the tomato, so that the flavors of both components together are better than their individual parts. Basil pairs brilliantly with other sweet, lightly acidic fruits like blueberries, strawberries, plums, and peaches. You could easily swap out the strawberries in this recipe for any of them, or better yet, a mix.

CARE Snack: Edamame Hummus with Leafy and Tender Veggies

CARE Snack: Edamame Hummus with Leafy and Tender Veggies

Whole food sources of soy, like edamame, have twice as much protein per serving than other beans, like chickpeas, which are traditionally used for hummus. This switch gives you a recipe that has more protein with fewer carbohydrates, allowing you to fill those carbohydrate servings with veggies and high-fiber crackers for dipping!

CARE Recipe: Cauliflower Quinoa Tabouli

CARE Recipe: Cauliflower Quinoa Tabouli

In addition to incredible volume to help keep you full, this salad provides a remarkable amount of bioactive compounds. Cauliflower is a member of the brassica family known for their powerful cancer-protecting properties. Parsley is rich in immune-supporting Vitamin C and green onions contain immune and liver boasting sulfur-compounds. Olive oil is a source of desirable monounsaturated fat and, given that all ingredients are enjoyed raw, this salad is a strong natural ‘digestive’.