St. Paul’s Monastery’s Newest Collaboration: Benedictine CARE Wellness Program

pictured here: (left) Teri Rose, OblSB at the final contract signing with (right) Sister Catherine Nehotte, OSB 

Introducing Our Newest Collaboration: Benedictine CARE Wellness Program

by Sister Catherine Nehotte, Prioress St. Paul’s Monastery

In January of 2022, the Sisters of St Paul’s Monastery were approached with a unique proposal to expand the programming offered by the Benedictine Center. The proposal involves a collaboration between the Monastery and an existing health and lifestyle program developed and directed by one of our Oblates, Teri Rose

We, as a monastic community, discerned the fit of this proposal with our monastic mission to “‘…create sacred space from which we respond to the needs and challenges of church and society’ and to lead by the value of ‘Generativity: being committed to fostering creativity, learning, and leadership within and outside of our monastic community.’”

We recall our Direction Statement: “We will be open to alternative ways of expressing our Benedictine Core Values with Oblates, Associates, and other laity.” And we remember the long tradition that our worldwide Benedictine Sisters have played in healthcare and healing in their local communities and how the resources within St Paul’s Monastery and our Oblate community build on this essential work. 

We, as a Community, believed that the collaboration and creation of the Benedictine CARE Wellness Program aligned with our mission.

Benedictine CARE will:

  • Introduce the Benedictine Tradition to more individuals
  • Teach individuals how to ground their self-care and wellness goals in the transformative strength of Benedictine Values
  • Provide a starting place for empowering and guiding oblates in the process of transforming their vocations to Benedictine Spirituality into formalized community ministries

Benedictine Spirituality will always be there to meet seekers where they are and to companion them in their search for Christ. We, the Sisters of St Paul’s Monastery, are grateful for our role in wise counsel and leadership as the Benedictine Tradition becomes co-stewarded by our Oblate community and laity. Benedictine CARE has the potential to be an example of how this can come together in both healing and growth. 

As we start this collaboration, we turn in humility as instructed in the Rule to “First of all, every time you begin a good work, you must pray to God most earnestly to bring it to perfection.”  (RB Prologue)

In peace,

Sister Catherine

(originally published in the St. Paul Monastery’s Monthly Newsletter)

Benedictine CARE Wellness Program: Deepen Spiritual Connection and Stability | Experience holistic wellness with Benedictine CARE. Deepen spiritual connection and inner stillness in a supportive community.

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