Tag Archives: omega 3 fat source

CARE Recipe: Jane’s Cod Stew (adapted from Washington Post)

CARE Recipe: Jane’s Cod Stew (adapted from Washington Post)

Jane shared on the CARE forum how delicious and easy this cod stew was from the Washington Post. She says “If you like fish, it makes a quick, flavorful light meal. I think this would be good with shrimp or salmon too.” So I tested it myself. I love the versatility of soups for packing in produce, herbs, and other fiber-rich nutrition stars. This soup also adds fish as a source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats.

CARE Recipe: Balanced Chia Pudding – Mineral-rich, Prebiotic Fiber-rich

CARE Recipe: Balanced Chia Pudding – Mineral-rich, Prebiotic Fiber-rich

Chia pudding is very similar to our popular No-Cook Overnight Oatmeal Cups. The biggest difference? The increase in chia seeds. More chia equals more minerals and prebiotic-rich soluble fiber. In fact, one serving of this chia pudding provides 50%(!) of your daily calcium, 30% magnesium,25% iron, and 60% selenium(!). And your gut bacteria and entire intestinal tract will love you for giving them so much soluble fiber. These are WOW numbers from food and are exactly what we mean by using Food as Medicine. Plus… it only takes 5 minutes to prepare!

CARE Recipe: Home-made Muesli Bowls

CARE Recipe: Home-made Muesli Bowls

One morning while at a coffee shop, when I ordered one of those paper cups of muesli to which the barista just added water to, I realized my Flax Almond Fiber Mix could be used in the same way – with lower cost and even more nutrition! The fiber and balance of these bowls make them incredibly satiating and effective at keeping blood sugar regulated (equals feeling full and comfortable in-between meals!). They work great for fast breakfasts, on-the-go lunches, or dry staples for camping or keeping at your desk at work. I hope you find them as convenient as I have!

CARE Recipe: Flax Almond Fiber Mix

CARE Recipe: Flax Almond Fiber Mix

This nutrient and fiber-rich topper is incredible on yogurt or smoothies. A single serving of this mix provides: fiber (6 grams), vitamin E (6 grams), heart healthy mono-unsaturated fat (4 grams) and omega-3 fatty acids, calcium (48 mg), iron (3 mg), magnesium(123 mg), potassium (311 mg), selenium (18 mg), zinc (3 mg), and lutein/zeaxanthin for eye health! 

Differences Between Flax, Chia, and Hemp Seeds

Differences Between Flax, Chia, and Hemp Seeds

CARE Member Question: "I have a question about chia, hemp, and flax seeds. What are the unique differences between these and what are the benefits ( pros and cons ) of each?" Answer: The main difference between flax, chia, and hemp seeds are the ratio of minerals, fatty acids, fiber, and phytonutrients that they contain. The [...]