Tag Archives: make ahead cooking

CARE Recipe: Summer Very Mint Quinoa Salad

CARE Recipe: Summer Very Mint Quinoa Salad

I love turning ingredient labels into recipes so played with this one – adding edamame for more protein and came up with the following adaptation of this salad. The smell is absolutely intoxicating as you make this salad. I haven’t tried the store’s version of it to see how close I am to the original in taste, but I think that’s OK.

CARE Recipe: Blueberry Grape Chicken Salad

CARE Recipe: Blueberry Grape Chicken Salad

This is another take on the popular CARE Orange and Grape Chicken Salad. With this version, I want to show you how easy it is to create a completely new taste with just a few substitutions. In this case, I change out oranges to take advantage of now in-season blueberries. I also switch to a low-fat mayo allowing me to add extra nutrition and crunch with the addition of walnuts.

CARE Recipe: BLT Turkey Wrap with Kiwi Fruit

CARE Recipe: BLT Turkey Wrap with Kiwi Fruit

This wrap uses turmeric instead of traditional mustard. Turmeric is a spice that contains the anti-inflammatory compound known as curcumin. A dash of pepper is added because recent research suggests that pepper could allow us to absorb curcumin better, as does, the fat provided by the mayo. Experiment with adding turmeric to other dishes to increase your daily bioactive compounds.

CARE Recipe: Tater Tot Hash Egg Bake with Sausage | How to Balance Tater Tots Part 3

CARE Recipe: Tater Tot Hash Egg Bake with Sausage | How to Balance Tater Tots Part 3

Here is another way that I like to use the CARE Tater Tot Hash. At least twice per month, I have an egg bake on my meal plan. Their versatility is endless. My husband is actually the one that discovered using tater tots with riced cauliflower while making brunch one weekend. He paired the hash with bell peppers and eggs. It was delicious. Here I turn it into a bake for easy make-ahead weekday breakfasts.

CARE Recipe: Tater Tot Hash (Therapeutic White Veggie Skillet) | How to Make Tater Tots Fit onto a Balanced Plate Part 1

CARE Recipe: Tater Tot Hash (Therapeutic White Veggie Skillet) | How to Make Tater Tots Fit onto a Balanced Plate Part 1

Here the texture of riced cauliflower pairs incredibly with the diced potato goodness of tater tots. The cauliflower allows us many more bites of tater tot than having them by themselves. Cauliflower and potato pair extremely well together in many dishes. I find it much more enjoyable to keep a touch of potato in any revised idea rather than just trying to use cauliflower as a full substitute for potato. For example, when making cauliflower mashed potatoes I always add one potato and it has made all the difference with my family. The same applies here mixing tater tots with riced cauliflower.

CARE Recipe: Amy’s Turkey Chili

CARE Recipe: Amy’s Turkey Chili

This recipe has been a program favorite since the original Perfectly Produce Seasonal e-Recipe Books. My dear friend, Amy, didn’t have all the vegetables to make my fall chili so she emailed me what she used instead. I loved that she kept it simple and just used what was in her crisper! I published her version and it continues to be a favorite of CARE members. It’s perfect for weekend make-ahead cooking and left-overs beg to be frozen for grab-and-go meals later in the month!

How to Make Ghee (Clarified Butter)

How to Make Ghee (Clarified Butter)

The benefit: You can use butter at higher temps without burning. Ghee (clarified butter) is very (very) simple to make To start, I do want to recognize that in the purist definitions there are nuances between clarified butter and tradition ghee.  These exceptions are particularly important to Ayurvedic medicine and Asian religions that put sacred [...]
Benefits of Frozen Produce: Nutrition, Cost, Convenience

Benefits of Frozen Produce: Nutrition, Cost, Convenience

Frozen Organic Broccoli Florets - Costco - 4 lbs./ $5.99 ($1.50 per lb.)   Benefits of Frozen Produce In the age of local, raw and clean, health-minded cooks have become confused about frozen produce. Are frozen fruits and vegetables o.k. to use? Do they have any nutritional benefit? And even if not confused, individuals often overlook [...]